04 Nov

Welcome to Munch

Hi, nice to meet you. We’re Munch. We like good food, strong drinks, and bad movies. If you do too, read on.

Still here? Great.

Here is how this is going to go down. Every week, we are going to pick a bad movie to watch and cook some great food that we think would go well with that night’s film. Most nights, that will include dinner, dessert, and a mid-movie snack.

Then, we’re going to mix up a couple thematic cocktails to drink while we watch. Before each movie, we come up with a set of rules that will govern our drinking habits for that night. Each movie has it’s own variants, but we have come up with this set of rules that apply to all movies.

  1. If a named character dies, drink!
  2. If a scene breaks the suspension of disbelief, drink!
  3. If a character says the title of the movie, drink!

And now you’re thinking to yourself, wow, this is such a great idea, I wonder who came up with this movie-food-drink extravaganza? Well, let us introduce ourselves. We are Andre, Ben, and Leanna, three twenty-somethings from Seattle who are just crazy enough to take on this self-imposed challenge. Hope you enjoy the ride!

What’s that? You can’t get enough Munch? Follow @getmunchedup on Instagram and Twitter to see us munch in real time.

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